Office Space in safdarjung Enclave

Office for rent


Office have many things.

is made up of Space .

with workforces.

the organistion have to work.

office require to employees to work.

So they
require to sit and work Furniture.

use of electronics computer, printer, telephone.

combination of all makes Office.

And final
Result is office.

Today in
changing Enviornment one has to change with time .

business enviornment is changing very fast.

Working Place i.e Office

In Short Office is a Place where person works entire day.  

And Morover wants to grow in his career.

Undoubtely only he works hard.

But also want to have good Results of his work.

As a result he expects that he should get more salary.

And in addition to that a rise in his career.

In Office firstly the enviornment should be cool and calm.

secondly his sitting Posture is also very important.

Thirdly lights in the office should be bright.

last but not the least work enviornment is friendly.


Together with Interiors of Office.

Office should be of sober sametime color of walls is also important.

Similarly Contrast colors use give diffrent Look to office.

 Likewise chairs have a Contrast to Table Color.

Furthermore Aircondtioned Enviornment clearly helps employee to work
without sweating.

And pantry in office give them take a breath while working hard.

Besides good Chairs the color of table in contrast to the chairs
give +ve Energy to employee.

Above all cupboards are also important for storage of files and

Otherwise office will not have any systems.

Last but not the Least storage systems has its importance in office.

Office Space in safdarjung Enclave

Electrical Fixtures   

Office is to save Electricity firstly as owner is always concerned
about savings.

Secondly use of LED bulbs and Tube Lights which not only saves

But at the same time get better lights at the little higher cost.

In Like manner using of inverter Airconditions not only saves energy

But also financial benefits are equally important.

Similarly Use of Refrigerator of five star rating in the Pantry also
reduces the cost of energy.

Equally important is to use LEd tube Lights instead of traditional

Similarly Fans are also available of Five Star rating which not only
saves energy but cost also reduce tremendously.

Together with this use of microwave also saves lot of energy as Comparision
to traditional oven.

Morever staff is to be trained when he leave office he/she should
switch off his lights.

Likewise staff not working in office and finds any switch is onn
should switch off that light.

Equally each staff member in the office is trained to switch off the
lights which are not in use.

Office Space in safdarjung Enclave


Flooring should also match to color of interiors.

Apart from flooring the paneling should also match roof and

If False ceiling is there in the office.

Then Light fixtures should be matching to color and shade of false

Colors of flooring can be used in Contrast to the color of furniture
or similar color will also works well.

Colors of chair should be in contrast to floorings.

Similarly roof should be of white shade which gives lot of

Likewise Walls should also have bright colors.

Similarly cabinet is to be made of wooden commercial board in
comparision to prelaminated board.

Alternatively one can use steel File cabinet instead od wooden

Similarly Steel Cabinet is safe in compare to wooden cabinet.

Likewise plastic cabinet is also safe.

But at the same time plastic cabinet is not that rugged.

Equally Important is Commutation of employee.

In addition to bus service if there is metro service in that area.

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