Punjabi-bagh Office space for rent

Punjabi-bagh Office space for Rent. Punjabi-bagh is one of the Best Locality of West Delhi. Firstly it is very well connected to East ,north and south delhi. Secondly it is nearest best locality to central delhi.

Office Space for Rent in Punjabi Bagh

Thirdly to other Places distance from punjabi Bag to Cp is hardly 10KM

Area For rent is 3200 Sq.Ft..

For MNC,Bank, Institute space available 3200 Sq Ft

Office space for rent

3200 Sq Ft

Commercial Office Space for Rent in Punjabi Bagh

Ground Floor 1000 Sq Ft

First Floor 1100 Sq Ft

Basement 1200 Sq Ft.

Office space for rent
Commercial office space for Rent in Punjabi bagh, new Delhi
For Rent office space in Punjabi bagh, West Delhi, New Delhi

Space is at very Attractive Place.

firstly there are many offices are loacted nearby.

And Secondly there are food giants also.

Punjabi-bagh Office space for rent is very good Locality and very Prestigous location for office in West Delhi.It is very close to Central Delhi and well connected to Metro Stations for Central and south and North Delhi.

Working Place i.e Punjabi-bagh Office space for rent

In Short Office is a Place where person works entire day and Morover wants to grow in his career.
Undoubtely only he works hard but also want to have good Results of his work.
As a result he expects that he should get more salary and in addition to that a rise in his career.
In Office firstly the enviornment should be cool and calm.
secondly his sitting Posture is also very important.
Thirdly lights in the office should be bright.
last but not the least work enviornment is friendly.

Electrical Fixtures

Office is to save Electricity firstly as owner is always concerned about savings.
Secondly use of LED bulbs and Tube Lights which not only saves Electricity but at the same time get better lights at the little higher cost.
In Like manner using of inverter Airconditions not only saves energy consumption but also financial benefits are equally important.
Similarly Use of Refrigerator of five star rating in the Pantry also reduces the cost of energy.
Equally important is to use LEd tube Lights instead of traditional Lights
Similarly Fans are also available of Five Star rating which not only saves energy but cost also reduce tremendously.
Together with this use of microwave also saves lot of energy as Comparision to traditional oven.
Morever staff is to be trained when he leave office he/she should switch off his lights.
likewise staff not working in office and finds any switch is onn should switch off that light.
Equally each staff member in the office is trained to switch off the lights which are not in use.


Together with Interiors of Office should be of sober sametime color of walls is also important.

Similarly Contrast colors use give diffrent Look to office.

Likewise chairs have a Contrast to Table Color.

Furthermore Aircondtioned Enviornment clearly helps employee to work without sweating.

And pantry in office give them take a breath while working hard.

Besides good Chairs the color of table in contrast to the chairs give +ve Energy to employee when he enters in office.

Above all cupboards are also important for storage of files and documents.

Otherwise office will not have any systems.

Last but not the Least storage systems has its importance in office.

In Short Office is a Place where person works entire day and Morover wants to grow in his career.

Undoubtely only he works hard but also want to have good Results of his work.

As a result he expects that he should get more salary and in addition to that a rise in his career.

In Office firstly the enviornment should be cool and calm.

secondly his sitting Posture is also very important.

Thirdly lights in the office should be bright.

last but not the least work enviornment is friendly.

Office space in connaught Place

Furniture is not provided.

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